Getting Better With Age
Fitness for Every Body
As we get older, we tend to slow down and become more sedentary due to health problems, weight or pain issues, or worries about falling. However, as we age an active lifestyle becomes more important than ever to your health.
Getting better with age is possible. Let me help you on your journey of improving your health. Like Wine Fitness training programs are comprehensive sessions that include Flexibility, Balance, Core, Cardio along with Strength Training. We start with a free fitness evaluation, which allows me to customize a program specifically for you to help you achieve your health goals.

Benefits of Physical Activity
Weight Management
Maintaining a healthy weight is more important now than ever. By working together to develop a customized fitness regimen suited to your lifestyle and health concerns, you can sustainably manage your weight.
Enhanced Brain Function & Mood
Physical activity has been proven to improve brain function, enhance mood, and support better sleep.
Improved Health
Regular physical activity combined with a healthy diet helps reduce the impact of many chronic diseases including diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.
Better Balance & Mobility
Implementing a fitness, balance, and mobility training program increases your body’s ability to prevent falls and other injuries.